Saturday, January 29, 2011


So I decided to start a blog.  I'm really not sure why even.  But I suppose I should explain my reasoning.

I often wonder about things.  Current events, daily happenings in my life, memories that come upon me all of the sudden.  And then I feel the need to examine them.  Piece by piece, moment by moment until they become less confusing to me.  But often there is no one to discuss these things with.  So then I end up discussing them with myself, in my head.  Call me crazy if you like.  Many have before.
Then I got to thinking.  What is the great, big internet if not a way to talk with yourself?  Because you never know if someone is actually listening or not.  Don't expect any great revelations or anything of that nature.  Because that's not what you'll get.  What you can expect is occasionally something to make you think.  More often something that will piss you off.  And hopefully a little humor.

I hope to see you around.

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